Sharing my show notes for the video :
Today being march 28th is the wheel of fortune, the magician but if we take the date month and year we get first 36 Electricity In the Elemental...
Today is an Eleven day and I am here to talk about transmuting your triggers. This is a gateway day 3/3/2021 adds up to the master number of 11,...
I say aloud Shala Shala shala and wait. She begins Yes love I see you. I explained I have been meditating today due to no computer. I then ask any...
Be open hes says easy to say harder down right? first let me state that psychic abilities are something we all have to some degree, though it may...
We should all pray or meditate upon this being a fair election that nay fraud will be exposed immediately. That whoever the candidate is that wins...
Take charge take action take time take romance make a connection make a relationship Make love Make it awesome. Stake your claim to love Stake your...
in my latest video I had Gaia and my higher feminine aspect come through today for a message about the changes coming. Gaia had a good response to...